Our additional services

Drilling holes
Holes at the bound product´s spine allow placing it carefully in a file. Thus, valuable information can be securely archived.
Rounding of corners
By this finishing your product gains in stability and appears more appealingly, for which reason it stands out against other products. This makes it the perfect choice for high quality products. Dog ears are largely avoided even after a prolonged use. Thereby, you have the option to choose between five different radii of the rounding knife: 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm.

Stamp at the book's edge
To stamp the book at its edge, it is printed on its bottom or optionally on its top edge with an inkjet after the three-knife trimmer. This offers you an eye-catching and additional advertising space. You have the option to choose between pictures, such as logos, and any kind of font.
Handicraft services
You think handicraft is expansive? Not with us! Don´t be afraid of making use of it. Give us a call and we submit you a fair offer. Inter alia, we offer you the following high quality services at favorable prices:
… business cards,
… triangular pouches,
… booklets,
… CDs,
… book marks,

So that the properly indexed product reaches its destination free of damage, we offer a variety of attractive packaging options:
1. Sealed individually or in handy packages in foil. With a pulsing of up to 10.000 sealings per hour your products are packed quickly, cost-efficiently and safely. You have the option to choose between different foil thicknesses.
2. In cartons/boxes/slipcases:
- Karton rozkładany: jest to gotowy, klejony karton, zalety: szybki i tani
- Karton składany: musi być złożony przed użyciem przez pracownika, co jest bardziej pracochłonne.
- Karton wsuwany na książki: pojemnik, w którym zmieści się jedna lub kilka książek, broszur itp., pakowanych w taki sposób, że tylko grzbiet książek jest widoczny.
- Różne materiały: karton, tektura, karton z tektury falistej, karton z tektury micro-falistej
- Na magazynie posiadamy kartony rozkładane, wykonane z tektury micro-falistej w rozmiarach A4 oraz 25x35cm.
3. Packed with a banderole made of paper or plastic either individually or in handy groups.
4. Packed secured for transport on one-way or EURO pallets